Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20 - Emotions

Year 3010, the Federal Union of Concentrated Khan's, the government of the pirate section of Omastar 85 has decided to work with the warship turned pirate cruiser, turned rebel warship PD to bring education to their people. They don't have any teachers or the like so what they did was they gave the Potato Dragons a learning robot who will later become a teaching robot. Riley, or Robot Intelligent Learning Emotional Yapper, has been integrated to the school section of the ship. As everyone on board is there for life, they tend to become married and have kids and the children need to be educated.

As Riley learns, her emotion chip tends to kick in to start kick in the wrong times. One day she might laugh at the first battle of the Potato Dragons but then might become sad during a video on cats. They switch and don't work properly. Her operations simply never learned how to adjust to the space city disguised in a warship.

For the most part, the emotion chip is on the joy function but there is also anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. Each one tends  to come on randomly but I believe she is learning. When she sees battles, she gets a sense of joy, nearly everytime. When she interacts with children, she tends to be condescending and aggressive. . When she sees the vast infinite space, she feels fear. When she sees rats, she becomes disgusted. When she sees any animal of any kind, she begins to synthetically weep.

The emotions slowly get better and under control, much later into her life, but by that point the Khan's would have had her for decades. Until then, good luck Riley. You'll need it.

       Yander, second in command, med bay.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18 - Treason & Historical Fiction

Andrew Jackson, a 67 year old man, was walking in the capital during his presidency when an assassin jumped at him with a flintlock pistol. This assassin, Richard Lawrence, had attempted to kill the president because he believed the government had owed Richard Lawrence an extremely large sum of money. When the would-be assassin attempted to fire his gun, it misfired. Andrew Jackson slowly and menacingly walked over to Richard Lawrence and beat him repetitively with his walking stick. After maiming him, Richard Lawrence pulled out his secondary backup pistol, which also misfired. By this time an entire mob had joined into the fight and pinned Lawrence to the ground, disarmed him, and took him away. When tried for his crimes, Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and spent the rest of his life in a mental hospital.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 27 - Found poem

i have no idea how to find the exIt
To the world

i was unconscious when I came in.
Stay with me.

Descended the stairs with pose,
Elaborated stamped tin ceiling

i Am safe.
just stay besiDe me.

bullets are only a threat to you. i'm Safe.
it wAs her blood or charles'.

i haVe no idea how to find the exit.
stay with mE.

blood does sTain.
she didn't want to stay with Him

didn't want to hEar the things he told her.
bullets are only a threat to you. i'M safe.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13 - The macabre arts

When I see that picture, immediately what came to mind was a story from India about hell and Buddha. A man, filled with hate, jealousy, and envy, falls down to hell for his misdeeds. Everything he has done was an act of evil, heinous or treacherous. As he begins his descent down into hell, he see's an entire plane of existence with people exactly like him, hate filled, jealous, and envious of each other. As he sees this, he cries out to Bhudda to ask for forgiveness. Bhudda's voice then echoes throughout hell and tells the man "You have only done a single good act your entire life, and that is you saved a spider from death. This spider shall help you." and a single spider thread fell down to the man from heaven. The man began to climb it but there was a massive crowd of damned souls who looked up at the man climbing and began climbing out themselves. The sheer weight of everyman in hell had broken the thread and everyone descended once more into hell.

Friday, November 14 - Berlin Wall

Braum, a Russian photographer, was there when the wall came down. He took pictures of colleges of students bash the wall with their bare hands. He took each and everyone of the moments. There was an emotion spread throughout the crowd with each piece falling. Was it memories of pain? Was it relief? Was it anger? Was it joy? Was it ready for Freddy?

Braum did not know. He was a simple photographer, documenting the wall. Picture after picture, Braum found himself immersed himself in the crowd. The wall was finally going down. The germans will be united again. Braum found himself in a very unique position. As a USSR citizen, he had a duty to the motherland.

But, as he thinks about it, Braum doesn't like it. The USSR is failing. It's citizens are not happy. Entire regions are speaking of becoming their own countries. The soviet union is falling. The wall is falling. The crowds are cheering. And so is Braum.

Braum looks at his soviet made camera and stares long and hard... and he drops it. He doesn't even look at it. All Braum does is head west. West to a new life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

The door creeks open
A child comes through the door

A blue bunny greets him "Hello littler girl, how are you?"
 The child giggles and watches the bunny play the guitar.
 The child is bored and leaves the bunny to the party room.

The child wanders around to see a chicken, dancing and eating pizza.
"What are you doing here?", the chicken asks.
The child giggles and stuffs her face with food.

The child leaves the chicken to see three bears walking away, two brown and one yellow.
One brown one turns around, and begins to sing "You should ru-stay with us!"
She sings gibberish with the plumb brown bear and wanders off

Looking for new friends, the girl enters kids cove.
A mangled up white fox is on the ground, her eye dislodged.
The girl puts her back together and is greeted with "...He comes..."

They don't realize that the girl is roughly three years of age and can't understand them
All four of her new friends surround her and the room.
The look outside, peering with their large eyes.

A music box and the girls soft laughter with her new friend are the only sound made.
The others are silent, waiting. Something approaches.
A purple beast comes, with large bunny ears and missing it's face.

The girl hides behind the white fox. The bunny wanders in and all of her friends eyes are on him.
It's small white eyes barely visible in a mesh of grey, red and the black of the dark of the room.
He stares and stares at the white fox. And then, he peers behind her, possibly to the girl possibly beyond.

He stares and stares, her friends slowly moving to the defense of the girl.
He walks to one of the corners of the room and sits down, ever staring at the white fox.
The music box sounds seem to have been rewound.

A yellow chicken covered in red around its sharp teeth and mouth stumbles into the room
She is not identical to the skinny friendly yellow chicken that's with the child.
She stares and stares and then sits in another corner and slumps over.

"Argh m-m-me (Help) matey's. Who be me new (run) crew member?" a staticy voice calls out.
A red fox caked in dried blood enters the room. his white eyes turned fully black with only a white dot left.
He walks beyond the child's safe haven and slumps in the corner, the white fox doesn't move.

A deep loud and slow laugh breaks the sound of the music box.
A brown bear, similar to the girl's friend arrives.
He laughs and stands at the doorway and the music box stops.

The girl's friends do not move even when she tugs at them.
There are eleven people in the room.
She knows of only nine.

Herself is the first one she's aware of.
The blue bunny is next.
The yellow chick is after.

The brown bear after.
The white fox that she's hiding behind.
The purple bunny in the north west corner.

The yellow chicken in the south east corner.
The red fox in the north west corner
But she didn't know about the other two.

The golden bear without eyes slumped in the south west corner stares at her.
He arrived behind her when the brown bear arrived at the entrance way.
He waits for the prize master to come.

And the prize master did come.
A skinny creature with a white face, white iris, purple makeup and dark aroma is inside the room.
It's black eyes spreads to the others as it stares at her from the ceiling.

Suddenly everyone begins to twitch from the white fox to the golden bear to the purple bunny.
They twitch uncontrollably, their eyes turn to black with white pupils.
They stare at the girl as the prize master "gives a gift."

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7 - Ewww....that's creepy!

Today the boy descended to pizza place
To be greeted with strange faces
Among the robots, toys and empty space
There were things out of their places

A purple bunny robot, life sized and ever staring
A brown bear named Freddy Fazbear with a hat and grin
A decayed pirate red fox whose skin looked like it was tearing
And a yellow chicken who had something in her mouth: human skin

The four animatronics descended on the poor boy
The pirate fox picked up the seven year old
And then he threw him like, a toy
“Happy Birthday, Mikey, or so I’m told”

It was Mikey’s birthday you see, 1987,
With a chomp of his head, Mikey soon saw heaven.