Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

After his job as a light engineer failed, Tony decides to try his luck at design. He is determined, however, he must think of a way to decide what he shall decide. He thought of copying someone else but the copyright law said that he could not do that until it's a certain age. By that point, anything that he was going to copy was extremely outdated. Tony, then, thought of a new idea. What if he copied an animal?

"Hmm...", Tony thought to himself, "What animal would I use?" Tony pondered for many days, only occasionally impaling people on trees in the mean time. Then, like light shining down from the heavens, knowledge came to Tony. "I don't like the way things for me, let's make something that would make other people very unlucky the only way I know how!", Tony exclaimed.

Tony worked day in and day out on his new machine. The specific idea that he had turned from Bad mojo robots, to an android wearing a red shirt, to then something that Tony didn't know how to describe. It was a robot but had no real intelligence but wasn't a computer and couldn't be interacted with once it started up.

Tony began with the machine body but his design was so horrible that the dimensions were terrible, in fact he had to scrap one of the machines because of how bad it ended up. He had bought and used giant googily eyes so it'll look cute. It's head looked like a square peg. It's body had a rough human shape. Tony had made it a mouth but did Tony things and gave each machine two of them. Then, with his horrible design, he had decided to not scrap the idea and give them all costumes. One is a yellow chick, one is a purple bunny, one is a red fox and the other is a brown bear. Occasionally a golden bear would come into vision but Tony ignored this.

Unfortunately, Tony had no idea how to code. So, instead, he decided to use his talent of f*cking things up by smashing the keyboard and seeing what happens. Surprisingly, to everyone, it worked and each one of the animatronics worked! Without realizing what he did, he sold all four of the animatronics to a entrepreneur and Freddy and his gang were going to live as legends for many many years after.

As a side note, Tony visits very often but only at night and mostly stays in the kitchen. With his natural ability of screwing everything around him over, his very presence breaks the kitchen camera. Tony isn't affected but it does terrible things to the security officers sanity.

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