Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

Imagine a world where it's just simply nothing. Nothing exists, not tangible anyway. The world is dark, beyond black. It has an unwavering stillness to the world. Nothing moves because nothing exists, with the exemption of the one experiencing the world. Everything is perfectly still. Not even the only one inside that world. The world is also cold. The frigid, for the lack of a better term, air chills men and beast alike to the bone. There is a constant string of frost on your skin, save for the small insects that crawl back and forth across your body. Neither of these are actually true but it doesn't change the feeling you get.

There is two sounds that you may be able to hear, though some of the time you can only hear one or the other. There is a ticking noise, steady but mechanical. It never stops. It never changes rhythm. It never changes it's beat. You can't affect it. It never ceases to annoy and frustrate those who are cast in it. The second noise is the sound of a chalk board being scratched. The thought of the sound can make the hairs on your back raise. You can only cringe at it. Now, if the chalkboard sound was steady like the clock, a person has the chance of getting used to it. Unfortunately for that person, this isn't regular. It happens only when you least expect it. Some of the time, every five minutes it'll scratch. Sometimes, an hour or two between one. Worse times, two go off at once. The length of the sound also varies from seconds to hours.

The smell is always changing. The smell can never calm itself. Although, yes, it can prove entertaining to guess the smell, it never settles in correctly. Some days it'll smell like dogs and cats, sometimes it'll smell like feces. For an hour, it may smell like an apple pie but on other's it smells like burning flesh. The smell of burning flesh is never a smell you should get used to and this world makes sure of that. Taste is an interesting concept in this world. Even though that nothing, minus the one inside the world exists, yet can interact with the person, taste is the only exception to this rule. There is no taste. There is nothing to taste and therefore taste is foreign.

Inside this world, there will always have a tone of depression, loneliness and frustration. Nothing in this world can even be remotely affected by your decisions, whatever they may appear to be. You can't find anything to truly interact with. Nothing you can be friends with.

That's what depression feels like.

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