Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal

The sun of the barrens has the pressure of the bottom of the ocean. All creatures underneath the rays feel it's heat. Every last creature feel the temperature , minus one type. The silithid is that creature. A silithid is a insectoid, creature. It has characteristics of a beetle, a scorpion, a wasp, and several more issues. Each next has their own distinct color, shades of green, red, brown, yellow, light blue and more, but their markings on the carapace is different from insect to insect.

Everyday the silithid leave the nest for search of food within the northern barrens. When the sun rises, the silithid have already gained it's first kill and many more after that. The barren's silithid has the common zebra as their primary food source. The zebra, within the barrens, is a common staple within many of the predator's food chain.

By midday, the silithid that are left in the nest have begun feeding the larvae and began training the younger, but recently matured, silithid into hunting, caretaking, or defending the nest. Each 'veteran' silithid has five to ten different younger silithid as their version of a 'protégé'. The silithid, however, are still animals, minus one. When the word protégé is used, the term, in this context, mostly means that the younger generation follow the older generation throughout their days learning the habits of the older generation.

Finally, during the evening, the hunters return home with their food, enough to feed the entire nest for the next day on normal days. They have already eaten their fill of the food and have filled up their social stomachs. These social stomach hold the majority of these kills and allow for safe transport of the food back into the nest.

In the event of a killed hunter, if the body is recoverable, it is. The meat and organs are preserved with a special liquid within the social stomachs of the defense silithid and used as an emergency reserve located in the bottom of the nest. The carapace of the recently deceased dig in firmly into the walls of the nest, from inside and outside. The carapace allows for support of the tunnels the nest makes up and allows any and all nest-born silithid to blend into the walls, as each nest only has one color. Any outsider silithid or foreign creature invading the home can easily be ambushed by the readily available defenders.

Finally within the middle of the night, roughly 8 hours after the hunters returned, they leave again, or in the case of a nest with a large population of hunters, a new shift takes over.  They begin their hunt once again, leaving the food from the previous evening to fuel the nest for the day until they get back.

The hunter's job involves heading throughout the plains of the barrens to search for various groups of animals to hunt, usually zebra. Once they track down a zebra, they have two strategies. If they can, the silithid find a way to funnel their prey into a ravine or cave to where the majority of the hunting groups can swoop in from above or behind and take out the weaker prey. They start by spraying a web that has the chemical makeup of chlorine, normally knocking out or dazing their opponents. The bigger silithid will eat the zebra whole or the smaller ones will take bits and pieces and continue hunting.

All that are left is the queen silithid. Normally she remains in the heart of the nest where various types of silithid bred fungi remain, laying eggs constantly for the male breeder's to work with. She eats a diet of mostly the fungus within the room, however, she might sneak a snack of meat. The queen silithid and, rarely, an older generation silithid gain an intelligence. Most of the silithid of simple worker drones following their queens command, however the queen has a personality, memory and even a voice.

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