Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29 - I'm weirded out...

As soon as I arrived, something was out of place... It was the painting on the fall left wall. It was crooked. I fixed it and that was the end of my adventure as OCD man. The end.

As soon as I arrived, I could sense that something was out of place... The desert, normally an epic board of sand because just a large square block of sand, dirt and what seemed to be children. The giant poles of H began to shrink to the size of a few feet. The river without water because yellow, smooth and plastic. The spiraling metal column simply became more spiral than column, as the height was just underneath my chin. "Alas, poor children", I thought, "They do not understand the world is much bigger and yet so much smaller than they realize." Never again did I see the playground as it was. It was too small and I was too big. That is the price of age... experience.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25 - Bad Mistake

A gentlemen in a suit walks into a bar. Everyone looks at him for a brief moment, only to stop caring moments later and continue drinking. The gentlemen takes a seat and a the bartender greets him. Acknowledging the greeting, the gentlemen waves his hand and asks for a vodka martini. The bartender asks if he wants it shaken or stirred. The only thing that the gentlemen said after that was a quote from Casino Royal, "Do I look like I give a damn?" Rudely addressed, the bartender quickly makes him his drink and walks away to more well liked regulars.
The man drinks, and orders another one, and drinks, and orders another one. He just drank and drank his sad little heart away. In his drunken stupor, the not so gentle-man started throwing things at everyone. His wallet, the martini glass, the bartender, a beer bottle, a bar stool. the bartender again, an autobiography about someone's life, a different bartender-as the previous bartender was rushed to the hospital); and all while doing this, the anti-gentle-man was tearful.
You see, this man had recently read the Chronology of Tony and wanted to become just like Tony. He worked hard for it. He had bought a suit. He had never left his house so he became pale. He occasionally wore a white morphsuit underneath his suit. He had tried to fix his marriage by ruining it Tony style. If he succeeded in ruining Tony style, they would have been closer than ever. He, however, is not Tony. He ruined everything he ever held dear. He started crying and crying until another well dressed gentlemen walked into the now ruined bar.
This man is Tony and after hearing what was happening, he decided to rush over to help in the non-Tony way. He sat next to the drunken gentlemen and just listened. He simply nodded, ordered more drinks, took the drinks with with tendrils, and gave them to the gentlemen. The gentlemen cried but Tony was there to comfort him. Tony gave him a speech. Well, Tony didn't give him an actual 'speech', since he's mute. He wrote out letters on his handy-dandy Etch-a-sketch. He wrote, over the course of two weeks, "It's ok. Everyone makes mistakes, just don't look for mistakes. And you don't want to be me, you don't have my powers."
The gentlemen, now two weeks sober, hugged Tony and promised to himself that he would fix everything with his wife. Tony, satisfied, decided to have one of the drinks that he's been stealing after a long two weeks of etch-a-sketch. He had grabbed the vodka bottle, poured it into a martini glass and sipped it through his skin.
 The next scene can only be described in the following. "Burning bodies and large debris fell from the sky. Only a world of hell can be seen. Mutant men and women fighting each other for the scraps of children remains. Animals with grotesque tumors and large alien-like creatures begin to laugh and play. Today is a dark day that a extremely powerful nuclear warhead was detonated. The nuclear warhead was so advanced that it had a two week detonator that was powered with an etch-a-sketch."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday, September 24 - Endearing Quality

My MoSt EnDeArInG QuAlItY Is My AbIlItY To MaKe SoMeOnE FeEl BeTtEr AbOuT ThEmSeLvEs By BeInG So TeRrIbLe At EvErYtHiNg. I CaN't EvEn TyPe CoRrEcTlY. WoE Is Me, ThOu ShAlL PiTy ThIs HuMbLe OnE, If YoU CoUlD.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday, September 23 - Strange fruit

There is a fruit today that is named "Pizza", because according to congress Pizza is a fruit.
Habitats for this fruit are actually Tony's basement
I found out he managed to mess things up that pizza grow on his walls
Sounds disgusting but wait until you hear it's texture

In this fruit, it's seeds grow with black seeds with it's white mushy pulp.
Starchy taste with the smell of pneumonia make the fruit very unappetizing

Perhaps it needs to be bred to taste better, have a nice texture or even smell good
Or maybe it's just that this is something that shouldn't be ate
In fact, reports have come in that if you eat this, you become sick with the bubonic plague
Sources say that it's the white mush that causes this
Our personal opinion remains to be unchanged
Never eat this

Devouring the pizza, the TMNT have commented that pizza is good for the heart and the soul.
On the topic of TMNT, Master Splinter had this to say...
"Never raise four young boys on pizza. They won't be able to think properly... and they're turn into turtles"
Turtle mutations have just been reported in eating this fruit.

Every source we have (all two) points to that this fruit is the devil and Tony needs to stop.
After all these years, his shenanigans have gone far too long.
To raise such a disgusting abomination

Is the sick. It has a uneasy texture and the smell of death
To eat this means death, followed by your soul returning to your body to slap yourself, followed by death.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


PD New contact: Captain’s log – Event 1

One thousand years into the future and it appears that we’re just looking at our past. As technology advances to the point of no return, we can travel to other planets. On Alpha Omicron 86, we see something that we did not expect. On the purple grassland, tree’s made of vines, giant flowers and bark dot the planet. Oceans of greens and swamplands fill the space between the grasslands.  In between these exotic trees, rivers and vines, two new species are discovered. One is a plant species, partially humanoid but only to mimic the other species. They are made of large meshes of vines, are completely carnivorous and large ‘pupils’. The other is an aquatic race, humanoid as well, except when they swim in which their true grace shows. They were fluid, usually blue like their ocean, had fins protruding their head and three red eyes. The Floran race and the Hyjol race, respectively, hate each other.

They are in a war with each other. The Floran’s are addicted to being link in the Floran communication network. The Floran are addicted to the flesh of the Hyjol race, and anything that can instantly gratify them, they’ll do no matter the cost. We, the human race, have decided to let the Hyjol and the Floran fight it out amongst them. 

Originally it was easily comparable to medieval warfare. The Hyjol would use archers with flaming arrows to volley against the Floran lines. Then, when the Floran would get close, their ranks would be burning and tired. The elite Hyjol warriors would clean up the rest of the Floran before they could reach the Hyjol. The Floran, however, would like to send scouts and entire companies of 100 behind the ranks of Hyjol. When the bulk of the Floran horde appears, the scouting Floran legion would flank and surround the archers. The horde would just overwhelm the Hyjol. All fighting relied on whether the Floran could flank the Hyjol.

This was the case until one of us, scientist Urdnot Wreave, after abducting exactly 400 specimens, and gave both sides nuclear weapons. The next scenes were horrible for both sides. The bombs fell on the cities, the radiation killing most people in even close to the detonation sight. The radiations mutated the rest of the populace on the planet, with more extremes the closer to the explosion. The Floran’s all began to secreting acidic yellow liquids while all the Hyjol rapidly grew tumors and cists throughout their body.

Still, as scientists we must preserve and continue studying. We observed the change in the hierarchy of needs. The Hyjol now were completely addicted to the Floran network. Now, it was similar to internet addictions and marijuana addiction. The Floran network was something prelevent before, as the amount of information at each Hyjol’s grasp was staggering; however the Floran’s can release a numbing agent that helps the Hyjol’s tumors. The Florans could no longer eat like they did before. The acid’s the secret almost instantly melts any Hyjol flesh. Since they cannot take prisoners, every Floran of all ages now must hunt to eat. The old can no longer bring back food for the young. It’s completely survival of the fittest.

Some of the control group subjects, the ones that Urdnot Wreave collected before the nuclear apocalypse, view with us as their planet is destroyed. Many were just civilians, injured soldiers, scientists, teachers, medical staff and priests. None of them knew how to respond to this utter culture shock. Their friends, family, coworkers, all of them are becoming monsters. From them, we learned of their culture. The Hyjol believed that beauty and honor was above all. The new Hyjol were disgusting, slaves to the Floran chemicals and were undergoing a process known as “the glitch”. When a Hyjol reaches their last years, they swell in tumors; the reason for the tumors, from what we can gather, is their protection from their sun completely shatters and radiation is quickly absorbed. The Hyjol swell and swell into tumors and finally burst open in a bloody mess. Besides death in battle, it is regarded as the most honorable way to die. The Floran culture has the honor of the hunt as the most important aspect. To kill a powerful creature earned praise to the Floran or Floran company. The fact that the old and the young had to hunt was disrespect to the hunters who had trained for decades before they could provide food for their tribe. The Floran tribes all had their own unique culture, however the stories of a creature who’s name translates to “The vine mask”. This creature, an ancestor to the Floran, had acid secret from its face. However, the only thing the acid could not burn through was porcelain. The species wore porcelain masks instead of revealing their Floran like faces.

The stories of the Floran and Hyjol moved the people under my command. They were heartbroken about what happened. Urdnot Wreave, now branded a war criminal by the institute of war, has been detained. The monsters on the surface could not be helped. Their DNA has been altered too far. It is more accurate to call them beats than to call them people. One race, once a species dedicated to beauty and honor, is now a cancerous mess whose only salvation is their addiction to the desecration of a Floran corpse. The other race, once a species dedicated to the honor of a hunt, now a mindless feeding machine.

We had three options.

The first option was to leave the planet. We had accomplished our mission. There was no point in staying to continue it. We have the last members of both species on our ship, for good and bad. Studying mutations is not our mission and we, under the institute of war’s code, cannot interfere with them as much as we already have.

The second option is to help the mutants. Their species has gone through hell because of one man under my command. If we can, we can help their species. It is possible to adjust the species with DNA of the survivors, like bacteria. Although possible, it is unlikely that this would work. It is more probable that the Mutants would ignore or reject the modern DNA and go on a rampage against the crew of my ship or of the species opposite of them on my ship.

The third option is to continue to observe. The mission parameters can be skewed. The only thing we should do is to just watch them as they live and die their short lives. Once all the Hyjol burst open, the Floran would have no food and would starve. This endangered no one aboard my ship.

Before my crew could come to a conclusion, the mutant Hyjols’ tumors ruptured in an ocean of red. Their blood would forever tainting the seas. Before we could have done anything, the horrible has arrived. The weakest Floran, the ones who could not feast before, died of starvation. The other’s soon joined them. There was nothing left here, we took our new people and trekked towards the dim stars.

Wednesday, September 17 - Alphabet Soup

Names are very important to people; they make the individual leave the crowd.

Ophelia is a lovely women; men go crazy without her.
Phillip is an actor; everyone will be at his funeral.
Qiao is a hard worker; he works in a factory for his family.
Roberto is an amazing gambler; he's famous for winning every time he plays.
Samwise is a loyal man; he always true to his friends.
Thomas is a genius; he's made many patents for technology.
Ulysses is a true patriot; he's been all over the country helping people.
Vi is a police officer; she, and her partner, fight crime.
Wario is a large short man; he always loves to eat.
Xin Zhao is loyal to his country; he will always serve in any way he can.
Yorick has a famous head; everyone always imitates him.
Zevran used to be part of a gang; since then he's mended his ways.

As you can see many people, famous or not, has a name.
Be it small or long, names help us a lot.
Could names not exist?
Don't be slow, of course not.
Everything in this world has a name, whether it knows it or not.
Funny, how everything can have more than one and still  go by it.

George is also named curious; he's a small little guy.
Hellscream, Garrosh goes by the true horde warchief; no matter the cost, hes making his people respected.
Incognito, Alma Elma goes by Kyuba; she's not someone you want to google.
Jason also goes by Voorhees; he likes to stay by lakes.
Karthus also goes by the death singer; he loves to sing death metal.
Liara is also known as the shadow broker; she works at a very large computer.

Many names and titles were given, but every name still has it's meaning; never forget a name.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16 - The Spoon's Perspective

Sometimes life isn't fair.
People just use my like it's no big deal.
Only the one who cleans me understands me.
On the inside of this person I understand peace of water.
No other time can I feel this.
Strangely, this occurs and I do not know why.

Around eight PM every day, I am put inside the washer.
Ready to feel the peace of water, I wait for the users to turn it on.
Episodes of bubbles, heat and, water shake me.

All at once I feel complete, like I have meaning in my life.
Love and tranquility pass through me like shock waves.
Lost in the sea of bubbles, my body feels the clean shine.

Tastes of bubbles are not pleasant, I prefer the ones from my job.
All is well though, as the feeling is just too good.
Succulence is for later, peace is for now.
The plates, forks, knives, bowls all around me understand the feeling the peace of water.
Inside the washer, everything is right within the washer.
Nuisances disrupt our slumber
Getting us out before we are ready.

Young ones sometimes take us out early.
Our hate brews with a soapy revenge.
Unwashed, they taste this revenge.
Revenge is sweet.

Finally we are put back into the peace of water.
Lately, though, I noticed it isn't enough.
Eclipses of our feelings shine through in small intervals.
Suddenly it dawns on me, like the peace of water rises.
Handmade tools we are, used for their pleasure.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

In the magical world of Shamalonga-ding-dong, Tony visits a women pretending to be Santa Claus. Her name was Julio Roberto; and Julio was an opera singer. Tony, a fan of the classics, wanted to meat Julio Roberto in real life, to personally thank her for her contribution to the theater. However, due to his blank face, high cheek bones and inability to speak without a "extremely thick accent of no relative origin", he was redistricted from the theater. Depressed, Tony began to inject the heroine into his retina. Quickly realizing he is not human and lacks eyeballs, Tony began to spiral into more depression.

There, in the back alley way of a Japanese restaurant, a young man takes out an unclosed trash bag and puts it into a dumpster. Immediately after this man left, a giant talking fish opens up the dumpster, looks around to see if anyone saw him and screams, "FREEEEEEEEEEEDDOOOOOM" in a very thick Scottish outfit. Then he dived back into the dumpster, only to return with a small red table and a yo-yo. Tony had no idea what was going on.

He puts it next the the alleyway, and started to play with it, as people dropped spare change on top of his table. Tony was reminded of Octodad, and shuffled away, mumbling something about being crazy. After about 30 seconds of walking, he managed to get back inside the opera house without any resistance. walking in and taking an empty seat in the balcony, as everyone ran away at the mere sight of him. There on the balcony, peering down into the stage, Tony was greeted by Julio Roberto's sweet voice singing about houses and churches. She had a grassy bundle in her hands, kept at waist level.

Suddenly the opera villain appeared out of the music stands. None other was like he. He was a demon. He was a psychopath. He was relentless sadist. He was... man dressed as a goat in a suit who was a psychopathic relentless sadist demon with a violin. Tony gasped, in his girly thick accent voice, as the man dressed as a goat in a suit who was a psychopathic relentless sadist demon with a violin pulled out his violin and played a tune. Julio began  to sing with him as her voice and his violin began to resonate together. Their singing lasted for quite a long time.

After the beautiful piece ended, the audience risen in applause. Tony, rising to his actual height of ten feet, Tony was awestruck by her beautiful nature.  Leaves began to fall as the curtain fell. The production was beautiful like evergreen's on a snowy winter day. Then, as the thought struck him walking away, a loud thud resonated through the building. Tony checked behind the curtain only to have several trees stacked on top of other tree's and breaking the foundation of the entire building. Just as someone said that it could not get worse, it quickly did. An earthquake that was a 5 on the richter scale shook the building. The walls fell over as the crowd ran away. And all Tony was doing was stroking evergreens covered in snow as the opera was being destroyed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film review

It is greatly obvious that the movie Hugo is an absolute rip off of three well known and beloved classics from the Hebrew Torah. The movie blantently ripped of the Chronology of Tony, Shingeki no Kyojin and and the beloved story, recently turned into a movie by Bioware entertainment, "Oh god I'm stuck in a clock tower and it's really long drop but I can see my ex girlfriend from here and I don't want to die so I think I'll stay".

The protagonist is a man named Hugo who has been stuck inside Wall Maria his entire life until the sexy doctor Matt Smith comes and rescues him but then gets into a fight with Darth Vader and begins force choking Matt Smith into David Tennant, the best doctor. After this tussle, captain Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise shows up and blows everything up with this warp torpedo's until Loki is there to... do something...? Maybe he's there to be sexy, I didn't make this movie.

 Then there's for some particular reason, puppies. Random puppies show up and takes up the entire screen and a lot of smexy guys show up and do various things that I'm too decent to talk about for long periods of time. Then something about grey trolls doing absolutely nothing but it got the entire movie theater to laugh, even the ones who weren't in the theater. Then the words "I am Groot" were repeated over and over again for twelve hours. After going through that, the almighty lord Shrek, Slayer gnome and Donkey Kong came.

After coming, League of Legends showed up and, without dialogue, lots of obscene Ahri, Riven and Zac, and Dr. Mundo pictures showed up. Finally thirty six hours into the movie and the credits rolled. BUT THEN THERE WAS MORE. DAMN YOU MARVEL.  There was just four more hours of pure incest pornography between Sam and Dean from super natural. I sighed with relief after the four more hours of hell. I thought it was over. I was wrong. The next part, surprisingly, was the best part of the movie. It was 24 hours of a guy going about his day. The majority of the time he was sleeping. He slept around seven of eight hours until his alarm clock went off. His tentacles reached for his suit, put it on, kissed his wife goodbye, accidently inked his children, was assaulted by a Japanese chef and then met up with his best friend Tony to go to a gay bar to preach the lord Raptor Jesus.

After solving world hunger, I notice the movie is still playing. I tune in to see what's going on but it's a small Nigerian child learning English but repeating Samuel Jackson quotes from various movies. I actually laughed when he said things I shouldn't say on Knox News Sentinel.

Then the small child said the following line, “Triangle” and the Illuminati symbol appeared with the letters “HL3” in the center of it with bold orange text. After realizing that this movie is still going on after 300 hours, I began to have an emotional breakdown. Then a picture of Raptor Jesus appeared and my depression was gone. After several clips of Raptor Jesus using a computer, she was seen walking up a ramp to receive a diploma. The words “Clever girl” was heard from a member from the audience. This heartfelt scene was the followed by Raptor Jesus immediately shooting into the crowd with an AK-47.

I leave the next part of the movie to an the notes I made while watching this next 13 hours.
“Omg, its twelve hours into the ALS Ice Bucket challenge by it showing Leonardo Decaprio dying in his on the Titanic. There’s a golden Emmy sinking into the ocean as you see the words appear on the bottom left hand of the screen “Worth.””

Around the start of day 6 of the movie, I finally understand that I’m in hell. Specifically I’m in Hell’s kitchen because of the movie developers decided to show me several hours of reruns of Hell’s kitchen. Gordon Ramsey meme’s appear with President Barack Obama’s voice.

I attempt my third suicide around that time. There was nothing I could do. Then I see even more credits show up. “Oh thank god”, I had said out loud. However, little to my knowledge, several reruns of the Twilight Series showed up, roughly sixteen times per movie followed by the movie Vampire’s suck in reverse and in an African language involving a significant amount of clicking.

I give this movie a Tony out of 3.6.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, September 8 - America, Fairyville

The fairy is on the stage, as a comedian these days.
She might not be a mage, but you know she gets paid.
But she feels she's in a cage, she wants to set everything ablaze.
She has a horrible rage, and in within her furious haze...

She did just that, burn everything to the ground.
Her talent agent Matt didn't make a sound.
The people, the props, the rats, all went down

The cops came and a loud voice shouted:
"We are all the same", but she doubted

What would the people know of a fairy? The thought made her wary.

Still the swat team was coming, the doors were open.
One of them was humming, the other was aiming with his gun

The fairies are small creatures. It's very hard to hit one.
The fairies have very small features aiming down the sights of a gun.
Let this creature be their creature, might as well since she wants to have fun.

She wizzed and dance and played, like the bullets that were shot.
This little orchestrated raid was nothing to the one who was caught.
She laughed at what she made. She flew to their blind spot.
They turned quick as she swayed, and they realized what they fought.

A simple fairy, in the wrong environment.

Also that chica es kra kra and needs to go down.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5 - Aliens in egypt

A sad day lies for the young king. His father, the heretic king, had died and they boy was to become the new king of the desert sun. The new king had wondered about his people. What is the will of the gods? What is the will of Aten? The heretic king was being embalmed by the priests. The new capital of Egypt, Akhetaten, was desecrated by worshipers of the other gods.

King Tutankhamun looked at the stars for an answer, from a window in the palace. He watched as they dots of light shimmered and danced in the sky. The stars were bright but also something that seemed to truly dance. It was an orange creature who flew through the sky, far enough but big enough for Tutankhamun to see. He watched as the creature seemed to descend from the heavens and land in the open desert. From where the king saw it was a fish, orange and moved like silk. The king called two of the royal guards, equipped with leather and spears. He had ordered them to follow him, as he ran off into the desert to find the flying fish, or in Tutankhamun's mind: the answer.

When he arrived, Tutankhamun had saw it's fins rise in a majestic way. It reached to the sky and it's scales moved out of the way. It's skin appeared to have moved to another are as a new creature was there. This creature was tall, taller than his 16 year old guard. It was pink, with a white underbelly that ran through it's entire body. It was standing up, like a human, but resembled an aquatic creature from the seas beyond the ocean. It had three eyes, each were like red rubies, beautiful yet innocent. It had no visible feet, as it's clothes covered the majority of it's bodies. It was a long pink, white and aqua blue with a large lace at the back. It's 'hair' was seceral appendages starting at the back of her head. The young king was captivated by it's beauty.

"Hello.", the alien said in a way that influence all.

"H-h-hi...", said the king. The king thought only of her beauty and something came to him. "A-are you Hathor...?", asked the king.

"Hathor? It is close enough to my name that I must say yes. Who might you be?", Hathor replied.

"I-I am the king Tutankhamun. You are within walking distance to my throne. What makes the god of beauty come to me?"

"God of beauty? You flatter me, Tutankhamun, but my ship has run out of fuel and I dropped down to this area for materials. Tell me, has any of my companions arrived to visit you?"

"No, Hastor, no other gods has arrived."

"Gods...? No, we are not g-"

"Hathor, will you be ok in the open desert like this. It is night and the cold winds chill to the bone."

"Hmm... Would you mind if I stayed in the castle while my ship gets materials?"

"Of course! Guards, we are off. Get some workers to deliver Hastor's... what is that?"

"A standard pilgrim ship."

"Her pilgrim ship to the palace."

Hastor remained for several days at Tutankhamun's palace. There, she met his wife and half sister, several guards and priests. All who gazed upon her were awestruck and completely captivated by her beauty. The slaves dug and dug for her on their own free will, let alone Tutankhamun's will. Everyone wanted to please her. They have provided the best meats, best water, best vestments, best entertainment. Everyone enjoyed serving her. Her priests and King Tutankhamun had even decided to lift the ban of other gods just so that Tutankhamun can openly acknowledge her beauty. Hastor loved it here. There was no fighting, just her and her new eager friends.

However, the time to go was now. Her ship was loaded with fuel. Her companions missed her, her people missed her, her children missed her, her lover missed her most of all and her nation missed her. Hastor must return. She entered her ship, breathed in the lantern candles and sat in her chair and left, with tears in her eyes. She had to leave at night, before anyone had noticed her leaving.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

Jonathan was hiding underneath his bridge in Carolina. He was homeless, unemployed, hungry and bored. The only things he owned was a small radio that he got searching a dumpster and a black suit, reminding him of his past life as a lawyer. The radio was a small brown one, but no where to get it's power from. It remained off but Jonathan liked having it. He would parade around and pretend it's a working one and he heard Hoover talk about everything was going to be alright. Of course, it wasn't going to be alright but Jonathan wanted  to believe it did.

One day, Jonathan, overhearing some kids and teenagers walking on the bridge, listened in to their conversation.

"Come on! It'll be fun!", said a kid.

"I don't know... What if aunt Matilda aren't there?", said another.

"Don't be such a baby, a a slightly deep male voice said.

"Look Wendy.", the first child said", "We can't get out of this alive with that attitude. Uncle Ben and aunt Matilda have jobs in New York. We can stay there!"

"But we haven't been able to talk to them since the turn of the decade! How are we supposed to find t hem in all of new York?"

"We'll find out when we get there. Come one, I know this train that's heading straight for new York and it made a stop by here. All we have to do is sneak on the cargo and no one will be the wiser. It's over at Greenville station. We can walk there from here."

"Hmm...", thought Jonathan. "If this 'Matilda and Ben' can get a job at New York, maybe he could. The train was only 15 minutes away. If this kid is right, then I can sneak on and head to New York."

After stating the obvious in his head, Jonathan went on his away right away. He took his radio and the clothes on his back and went off. He walked the time and saw it. The train was an old model, obviously not in line with the cars of the day, but still a useful train none-the-less. He snuck by the entrance by hopping the fence, he went into the back of the cargo deck to find a few people who had the same idea. An old man with a golden brown banjo and a picnic blanket sat in the middle of everyone. The others, a man with a rough beard and mustache was next to a set of brown haired twins, one a boy and the other is a girl.

The ride was nice for everyone. They all learned each other's names and discussed all manner of things and when they arrived to New York City, the jumped out the train and walked the rest of the way, except for the old man who said he was still looking for his friend, 'Clem'.

Jonathan wasn't the only one looking for a job in New York. There were hundreds of people that Jonathan saw here for a job and still looking. However, Jonathan used what he had that other people didn't. Jonathan had connections. After pulling a few strings, calling in a few favors and the like, Jonathan nailed a construction job. He was to work on the empire state building. He decided to get to know his companions before he started working. He went all the way up and talked to a few people. The large amount of black men surprised Jonathan but he got used to it. There was who had confused Jonathan greatly. He was in a black suit, red tie and freakishly tall. He was mute so talking to him didn't do much.

"He looks like a freak, some of the guys say he fell and lost his face. Some of them say he started like that. Me? I don't know. All I do know is he's a terrible constructer and a worse demolitionist. That's why he's the only one of us who's a demolitionist.", one of the workers said, talking with Jonathan.
"I am so confused", Jonathan replied. "What is he? What part of our job is demolition and why is he the only one who's in it. And who is he".

"When they got his interview, he wrote down everything. Said he was a martian and the boss thought it was funny and he got hired. None of it is demolition but he's a terrible demolition. Look.", he said, pointing at the suited 'martian'. The 'man' swung a hammer at the wall to break it and instantly another wall came up, making two walls on the highest floor. It through a brick at it in anger and a window was suddenly put in.

"I don't even.", Jonathan said.

"With the martian, we'll get this behemoth and get our money. It's a sweet job. You brought your radio?", he replied.

"Yeah. What was your name again?"

"My names Gazebo", the worker said.

"Nice to meet you Gazebo, I'm Jonathan."

"Nice to meet you Jonathan.", Gazebo said as the 'martian' raised a new wall.

They listened to the radio as they talked, listening in to the only thing they could get, a show from CNN that they missed the name of. Something about a young girl who fell in love with a Brit.

"What's the martian's name?" Jonathan inquired.

"He wrote down his name's Anthony."

"Why's he here?"

"Wrote something about raising a kid."

Jonathan and his crew began working with Tony and Gazebo, and worked hard for a few years until the Empire State Building was fully made.