Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4 - Historical Accuracy

Jonathan was hiding underneath his bridge in Carolina. He was homeless, unemployed, hungry and bored. The only things he owned was a small radio that he got searching a dumpster and a black suit, reminding him of his past life as a lawyer. The radio was a small brown one, but no where to get it's power from. It remained off but Jonathan liked having it. He would parade around and pretend it's a working one and he heard Hoover talk about everything was going to be alright. Of course, it wasn't going to be alright but Jonathan wanted  to believe it did.

One day, Jonathan, overhearing some kids and teenagers walking on the bridge, listened in to their conversation.

"Come on! It'll be fun!", said a kid.

"I don't know... What if aunt Matilda aren't there?", said another.

"Don't be such a baby, a a slightly deep male voice said.

"Look Wendy.", the first child said", "We can't get out of this alive with that attitude. Uncle Ben and aunt Matilda have jobs in New York. We can stay there!"

"But we haven't been able to talk to them since the turn of the decade! How are we supposed to find t hem in all of new York?"

"We'll find out when we get there. Come one, I know this train that's heading straight for new York and it made a stop by here. All we have to do is sneak on the cargo and no one will be the wiser. It's over at Greenville station. We can walk there from here."

"Hmm...", thought Jonathan. "If this 'Matilda and Ben' can get a job at New York, maybe he could. The train was only 15 minutes away. If this kid is right, then I can sneak on and head to New York."

After stating the obvious in his head, Jonathan went on his away right away. He took his radio and the clothes on his back and went off. He walked the time and saw it. The train was an old model, obviously not in line with the cars of the day, but still a useful train none-the-less. He snuck by the entrance by hopping the fence, he went into the back of the cargo deck to find a few people who had the same idea. An old man with a golden brown banjo and a picnic blanket sat in the middle of everyone. The others, a man with a rough beard and mustache was next to a set of brown haired twins, one a boy and the other is a girl.

The ride was nice for everyone. They all learned each other's names and discussed all manner of things and when they arrived to New York City, the jumped out the train and walked the rest of the way, except for the old man who said he was still looking for his friend, 'Clem'.

Jonathan wasn't the only one looking for a job in New York. There were hundreds of people that Jonathan saw here for a job and still looking. However, Jonathan used what he had that other people didn't. Jonathan had connections. After pulling a few strings, calling in a few favors and the like, Jonathan nailed a construction job. He was to work on the empire state building. He decided to get to know his companions before he started working. He went all the way up and talked to a few people. The large amount of black men surprised Jonathan but he got used to it. There was who had confused Jonathan greatly. He was in a black suit, red tie and freakishly tall. He was mute so talking to him didn't do much.

"He looks like a freak, some of the guys say he fell and lost his face. Some of them say he started like that. Me? I don't know. All I do know is he's a terrible constructer and a worse demolitionist. That's why he's the only one of us who's a demolitionist.", one of the workers said, talking with Jonathan.
"I am so confused", Jonathan replied. "What is he? What part of our job is demolition and why is he the only one who's in it. And who is he".

"When they got his interview, he wrote down everything. Said he was a martian and the boss thought it was funny and he got hired. None of it is demolition but he's a terrible demolition. Look.", he said, pointing at the suited 'martian'. The 'man' swung a hammer at the wall to break it and instantly another wall came up, making two walls on the highest floor. It through a brick at it in anger and a window was suddenly put in.

"I don't even.", Jonathan said.

"With the martian, we'll get this behemoth and get our money. It's a sweet job. You brought your radio?", he replied.

"Yeah. What was your name again?"

"My names Gazebo", the worker said.

"Nice to meet you Gazebo, I'm Jonathan."

"Nice to meet you Jonathan.", Gazebo said as the 'martian' raised a new wall.

They listened to the radio as they talked, listening in to the only thing they could get, a show from CNN that they missed the name of. Something about a young girl who fell in love with a Brit.

"What's the martian's name?" Jonathan inquired.

"He wrote down his name's Anthony."

"Why's he here?"

"Wrote something about raising a kid."

Jonathan and his crew began working with Tony and Gazebo, and worked hard for a few years until the Empire State Building was fully made.

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