Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15 - What the Deuce?

In the magical world of Shamalonga-ding-dong, Tony visits a women pretending to be Santa Claus. Her name was Julio Roberto; and Julio was an opera singer. Tony, a fan of the classics, wanted to meat Julio Roberto in real life, to personally thank her for her contribution to the theater. However, due to his blank face, high cheek bones and inability to speak without a "extremely thick accent of no relative origin", he was redistricted from the theater. Depressed, Tony began to inject the heroine into his retina. Quickly realizing he is not human and lacks eyeballs, Tony began to spiral into more depression.

There, in the back alley way of a Japanese restaurant, a young man takes out an unclosed trash bag and puts it into a dumpster. Immediately after this man left, a giant talking fish opens up the dumpster, looks around to see if anyone saw him and screams, "FREEEEEEEEEEEDDOOOOOM" in a very thick Scottish outfit. Then he dived back into the dumpster, only to return with a small red table and a yo-yo. Tony had no idea what was going on.

He puts it next the the alleyway, and started to play with it, as people dropped spare change on top of his table. Tony was reminded of Octodad, and shuffled away, mumbling something about being crazy. After about 30 seconds of walking, he managed to get back inside the opera house without any resistance. walking in and taking an empty seat in the balcony, as everyone ran away at the mere sight of him. There on the balcony, peering down into the stage, Tony was greeted by Julio Roberto's sweet voice singing about houses and churches. She had a grassy bundle in her hands, kept at waist level.

Suddenly the opera villain appeared out of the music stands. None other was like he. He was a demon. He was a psychopath. He was relentless sadist. He was... man dressed as a goat in a suit who was a psychopathic relentless sadist demon with a violin. Tony gasped, in his girly thick accent voice, as the man dressed as a goat in a suit who was a psychopathic relentless sadist demon with a violin pulled out his violin and played a tune. Julio began  to sing with him as her voice and his violin began to resonate together. Their singing lasted for quite a long time.

After the beautiful piece ended, the audience risen in applause. Tony, rising to his actual height of ten feet, Tony was awestruck by her beautiful nature.  Leaves began to fall as the curtain fell. The production was beautiful like evergreen's on a snowy winter day. Then, as the thought struck him walking away, a loud thud resonated through the building. Tony checked behind the curtain only to have several trees stacked on top of other tree's and breaking the foundation of the entire building. Just as someone said that it could not get worse, it quickly did. An earthquake that was a 5 on the richter scale shook the building. The walls fell over as the crowd ran away. And all Tony was doing was stroking evergreens covered in snow as the opera was being destroyed.

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