Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fractured fairytale

A dead beat father, similar to the likes of the step-mother of Cinderella, has been given thirteen sons and cannot afford to pay for all of them. Instead, the deadbeat father decides to go to Orlando Florida for help. There, using the powers of intelligence similar to the giant from Jack in the bean stalk, he decides to go visit Disney land for several months looking for a godson, leaving his children to their own devices.
He looked and looked but found no one worthy, and wealthy enough, to be his god parent. Finally, God appeared from the heavens-in reality it was after several runs of Space Mountain and God noticed him after all the puking from the ride-and said unto him, “BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”
“What is this, before my eyes? The shining star to which I have wished upon?”
“What are you even talking about? Are you calling me white?”
“What doth tho-“
“Please stop talking, bruh”, God said sternly. The man was saddened by God’s scorn. And then, with his booming and all powerful voice he spoke the fateful words, “What’s up?”
“Nothing much. I’m looking for a godparent fo my kid. I need more money and I’m poor.”
“You know I could do that. I’m god. GOD. I got chu back boi.”
“Ugh. I’m sorry God but I’m a pastarian. I am part of the church of the flying spaghetti monster. I don’t believe you exist”, said the man, holding his hand up as to stop god from talking. God, in his disbelief had made a circle with his neck and said unto him, “Boi, I’m out of here faster than the wicked witch of the west died. Speaking of…”, God said building a lighting charge with his hands. Before the fateful lightning bolt smote him, the all-powerful God noticed an eight year old playing Pokemon on his 3ds and began to watch and cheer on the child’s Pikachu and Magikarp team.

After visiting the gift shop, I had noticed a man stealing several pieces of candy and stuffed animals. The man had an evil twirly moustache and goatee combo. Only the devil would have such a vile and hate filled facial hair. As the man turned for the dead beat father’s full view, it appeared to be Lil’ Gideon with his complete napoleon complex and lack of sex appeal. He was stealing items in order to get revenge on the pine twins. Then the devil turned to face the deadbeat father.
“Give me the child”, he had said. “It shall live as my brother, my right hand, and my pawn.”
“What? No! He will live in riches. He will have money! He’ll have power! He’ll get all the bit-“
“But why!?”
“I don’t like you.”
“Is it because I’m white?”
“Why is everyone calling me that? No. It’s just the moustache.”
Gideon began to frown and walk away, clearly disheartened by the news of the child.
The deadbeat father explored high and low, he spoke the leaders of countries such as Barack Obama, he had talked to brothers of dictators, like Kim-Jong Nam.  No one would get his son, and in turn him, riches and money. He had begun to give up until the last building in Disney land, the kiddie previews. It was possible but maybe someone blind, deaf and rich was stupid enough to go in there.
As he entered, the deadbeat dad saw a crowd of children, maybe four or five, watching Tangled on a large screen in the back of the room. Among the crissing, crossing, and paddy wacking, an elderly man sat there in a dark hoodie, a mask in his lap and cane to his side. He was in the middle of the crowd of children observing the movie with intensity. As the credits began, he used the cane to pull his frail body up. As he got up, he put his mask on and walked straight to the deadbeat father.
“What do you want?”, the man said.
“Who are you?”
“I am the ender of lives. I reap the souls of the lost and forgotten. I am-“
“Are you Santa Claus?”
“Yes I’m Santa Claus. That’s why I have a skull mask, black hood and fresh Nike sneakers.”
“Oh cool.”
“What do you want?’
“Who are you?”
“I am the e- wait a minute, we already did this.”
“Wanna have a free kid?”
“Do you want a free child. He’s diaper changed (in a few years) and he has a PH.D. in computer sciences and chemistry.”
“I am not going to even begin the fallacies of that. You might think you’re being puss in boots here but you’re being more of the puss and less of the everything that made him cool.”
“Puss in boots…? Whatever, want a free child?”
At that statement, the deadbeat father said it so loud that the parents in thye room had become concerned over the safety of their child and told the secret service. They kicked both of them out.
Angered, death Santa Claus raises his cane at the dead beat father and screamed, “THAT WAS MY FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH AND I JUST GOT KICKED OUT BECAUSE OF YOU!”
The deadbeat father was immediately fearful of death Santa Claus, as his death cane was raised in a very threatening manner. In his panic, the man blurted out, “BILLY MAYS HERE. TAKE A BABY.”
“Really? In general, are you serious?”
“Look, I’m a just a poor old man.”
“So if I take your kid away from you, what do you want?”
“I want to be a rich old man. The other godparents that I saw weren’t good. They tricked men or discriminated against the poor”, he said as he coughed out, “That would be me.”
“Hmm… As the lass in Rumpelstiltskin would say, “I’ll give it a try.”
“Did she say that?”
“No idea.”
And like that, the awkward conservationist just obtained a baby. Becoming his legal guardian, Death Santa needed to be able to take care of him. So, like the Disney fanboy that he is, Death Santa decided to make his child learn via Disney movie and fairy tales. He read to him every night his favorite stories, Jack in the Bean Stalk, The elves and the shoe maker, and Alice in Wonderland.
As the boy grew up, he was decidedly smart. In fact many called him a genius. Unfortunately, he was an evil genius, completely decked out in gothic style attire and the devils goatee.  He was a master at necromancy, medicine and he still had his PH.D. in computer sciences and chemistry. He obsessed over the apocalypse, zombies and the Lion King.
As an evil genius, he had created a system with death. He had a day job as an emergency room surgeon. When the patient was supposed to live, he was to inject a serum that Death had given him. When they were to live, then he would proceed the surgery like normal. When death appeared at the head of the patient, they would live. If were to be at their feet, they would die. Only death knew who was to die before hand.
Many years of this had many patients who died in his care. He had let many nurses, priests, rabbis, Imams, heroes and even a man who was supposed to save the world die in his care. He was disgusted by many and these were only some of them.
One day, as he received a new batch of serum from his godfather, the godson had noticed many things wrong. The patient he was supposed to let die was, in fact, a zombie. He tried and tried to naw off the leather straps restricted his arms and attempted to bite off the hands and fingers of the staff.
As the zombie flails and fruitlessly attempts to spread the infection, death appeared at his feet. The evil godson, however, had other plans. He injected the serum into the face of the zombie, and the temporally immortal zombie was created. Unable to die from anything, the zombie broke out and bite the majority of people in the hospital.
Death appeared for the godson, “YOU DEVIL. HOW DARE YOU. I HAVE GIVEN YOU STRICT ORDERS. Do you even comprehend the punishment for your misdeeds?”
“Ugh. Death…?”
“What? No. I’m your godfather, not Maleficent. The punishment is a boring life lesson.”
From the perspective of an outsider, the godson looked like he was speaking to an apparition and then, seemingly out of nowhere, blood curdling screams escaped his mouth.
Like magic, the godson appeared in a room half filled with oil lamps and half filled with cell phones.
“What is this?”
“This, my god son, is the cave of life. Here the sands of time tick down on the life of mortals.”
“These are oil lamps.”
“We upgraded to the 21st century.
“You altered someone’s life.”
“Anyway, thanks for showing me this place. Where is your phone?”
Death brought out a nokia phone with the picture of snow white and little red riding hood on the back. The phone had full battery, most likely permanent.
“What about the Zombie?”
Death brought out the zombie’s phone, with the back painted the title of the book “Zombie survival guide.”
“What about mine?”
“You are special. I extended your phone battery with this phone cord. It siphons out life from one person to the other, quickening their battery usage.”
Death brought out a smart phone, with a 80% battery life left.
“I want to extend the zombies life.”
“You heard me. I want that zombie to cause the end of the word.”
“Where did my life go wrong”, Death said as he handed over the phone extension and phones.
As the two phones connected, the cord completely drained the son’s life, killing him instantly. The zombie, however, had a surplus of life left.
Even three hundred years later, the zombie remained. Death and the soul of his godson looked upon the horizon of the Armageddon and sighed. The godson’s purpose in the world is to have the stupidest plot twist ever.

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