Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15 - I remember when...

I remember when my first dungeons and dragons game happened, several years ago. I was playing an extremely flirtatious and charismatic elven sorcerer with hundreds individual red, blue and purple tattoos creating the illusion of a shifting animal from tigers to angel wings to demons, depending on the angel of where you look at him. He had to go to a fair on an archipelago between three tribes: a half-dragon tribe, an elven tribe and a teifling (Half-demon) tribe. In the first day of the fair, I had spoken to the majority of the people in the event, from major performers, to the miner minors accompanying their mothers to the tribe leaders to the rocks and birds, flirting with all of them in the process.

The second day, I noticed both my future party members: an extremely large copper half-dragon and a teifling rogue who's been shooting down birds the previous day, stuffing them with wool and sticking them on his horns.

The third day of the fair was the beginning of the adventure. My party members and I had gotten stuck into going into a dungeon to represent the union of the unification of the tribes. Unfortunally, immediatly after we entered the dungeon we had a three way fork and a fight. Specifically, the teifling annoyed the half dragon and then the half dragon stormed off. The teifling, also angry, stormed in the other direction. My character, not trusting anyone, goes down the middle pathway. There I get the snot beat out of me by several dire-rats and krenshars. After around 30 minutes into the dungeon, I find a large reptilian beast rip a krenshar in half with it's claws and eating the chunks of meat. My character, somewhat scared and somewhat surprised, was about to cast magic missle until I realized the reptilian beast was my half dragon party member. We joined up for the next for matches. The teifling, however, took the most easy route and he ended up at one health point by his first fight and needed some form of healing.
Afterwards, we managed to group up and find the exit. There was a bowl, a knife and a rock that had a small "do not touch sign" on it. The bowl had an inscription "Win the day with the blood of the covenant." The half dragon and myself understood what we had to do immediately, slit both our wrists and let the blood flow into the bowl. The teifling, however, didn't understand what the word covenant meant and decided that it would be more fun if he touched the rock. We all died shortly afterwards by being teleported to a volcano. 

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